The Weekly Wackness Experiments

Sometimes it’s good to abandon structure and break all the rules. It frees the mind and you never know what kind of inspiration you’ll awaken. Each week we’ll announce a Weekly Wackness Experiment, given specific guide-lines on which rules to break.

 Followers are invited to share their Weekly Wackness Experiments on their blogs and social networks with the hashtag #weeklywackness. A selected number of YOUR Weekly Wackness Experiments will be featured on Indie-Photo. 

On a side note, we know we just said Weekly Wackness Experiment too many times but the acronym WWE was sadly taken. That being said, if anyone hashtags their Weekly Wackness with WWE, you’ll be made fun of.

"But IP-101 guy, why should I participate in some stupid Weekly Whatever?"

Well, Rude-Internet-Guy, these are projects that add to your artistic development. You break the "rules" of traditional photography and step outside your comfort zone to create something totally spontaneous and creative. These photos, even if they're "bad," can lead to an infinite supply of artistic inspiration for photoshoots and other photographic endeavors.

Still don't care?

Well, these photos are pieces that you can use in your own professional portfolios, or you may even submit them to an art gallery as abstract pieces. Either way, you're experiencing growth as an artist.

...still nothing?

Well check it out! We're inviting YOU to go out and do these experiments and hashtag them with the tag #weeklywackness so the creative and technical team at Indie-Photo 101 can sift through your entries and choose a select number to be featured ON Indie-Photo 101. 

This week's Wackness!  (6/21-6/28)